Lake Howell High School
The Lake Howell Theatre Company presents
The Importance of Being Earnest
A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
By Oscar Wilde
Directed by Tiffany Ortiz
LHHS ASL Sponsor: Rebecca Kunos
Oscar Wilde's classic is a delight from the first cucumber sandwich on as Jack's double life catches up with him. The problems are resolved in an extremely charming and quite unexpected way as Jack and Algernon discover the importance of being earnest while answering to the name of Ernest.
Please be advised that this production may contain fog and strobe effects. In addition, the Importance of Being Earnest may not be suitable for all audience members.
Refund Policy:
All sales are final and no refunds will be allowed for this event.Online sales close 30 minutes after start of event.
To be Announced
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